ThinPrep Liquid Based Pap Smear
We’re proudly the first lab to introduce this service to Jamaica, back in 1993. The conventional Papanicolaou (Pap) smear method often produces inaccurate results, primarily because the smear samples contain contaminants such as dirt, blood and other materials, which may make it difficult to see the cells properly.
How it works…
Thinprep pap smear is a fluid based system using a thin film of cells. The cells are placed in a preserving liquid, which allows the cells to be separated from the contaminants. This leads to a more accurate reading, and samples can also be tested for Human Papilloma Virus, HPV, which is the leading cause of cervical cancer. Because of the separation from contaminants, there is less chance of repeating the procedure. Yes, it may cost more than the conventional method, but the results of Thin Prep are more accurate, and it is more effective at diagnosing illnesses such as cancer in the early stages.
Samples must be submitted through a licensed physician.
Results available within 4 weeks